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The Certificat d'Acceptation du Quebec (Certificate of Acceptance to Quebec, "CAQ") is required for most temporary foreign workers and students who intend to reside in the province of Quebec

Temporary Foreign Workers in Quebec

A Quebec-based employer hiring a foreign skilled worker on a Temporary Work Permit must secure a CAQ in addition to a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). The CAQ certifies that the Quebec Ministère d'Immigration, Diversité et Inclusion (MIDI) concurs with Service Canada’s assessment that hiring a foreign worker will have a neutral or positive effect on the local labour market. Jobs in Quebec that will last for a period of 30 days or less do not require a CAQ.

Individuals whose jobs are LMIA-exempt do not need a CAQ to perform work in Quebec.

Students in Quebec

Most individuals who intend to study in Quebec must first obtain a CAQ before applying to the Canadian federal immigration authorities for a Canada Study Permit. In order to apply for a CAQ for a study program, the potential applicant must first obtain a letter of acceptance from a Designated Learning Institution (DLI). Certain individuals may be exempt from the requirement for a CAQ before applying for a study permit. Alternatively, if an individual is exempt from the requirement for a study permit, he or she may also be exempt from the requirement for a CAQ.


Individuals who are intending to pursue a study program of six months or less do not need a CAQ or a study permit. However, it is important to verify if a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) is required, in order to be able to enter Canada as a visitor.

To find out if you or your business is eligible to apply for a CAQ, or if you have any questions about studying in Canada, contact us.

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